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An action-packed wave fighter based around a giant blade

Project Overview
Software Used

Programmer, Designer

Unreal Engine 5, C++

Wave-Based Arena Fighter


Game Overview

Claymore is a short, action-heavy wave-based fighter. Players wield a giant blade, and use it to take down enemies. Every interaction available flows from this blade, players can use their mouse to spin in circle and slash enemies, perform quick dashes to dodge attacks and cleave through opponents, or deflect incoming projectiles with a swing of their sword.

The game is currently in active development, and in it's current state stands as a vertical slice for continued work. Stay tuned for more!

Production Overview

Going in to the development of Claymore I had a couple goals in mind. Namely, I wanted to grow my skills in Unreal, specifically using the project as an opportunity to learn C++. I also wanted a game that was different to what I had typically worked on, being more combat heavy as opposed to something puzzle or narrative driven.

I had some prior experience with Blueprints and Unreal at the beginning of the project, however, my main goal was to see how I could take my existing knowledge in Unreal and complement these skills by learning a new programming language. I also took time to explore different features of the engine, such as AI and animation.

For the design of the game, I knew it had to stay fairly simple to achieve something polished within the timeframe. While initially I did have grander ambitions, including rogue-lite systems such as procedural generation, I quickly realised I'd have my hands full with just learning C++.

I knew I wanted gameplay to be combat based, and eventually came up with the idea of equipping the player with an oversized sword they could control with their mouse movements. From here I started building out potential interactions and use-cases for a mechanic. What would happen if the player swung constantly? Could I use the blade to deflect projectiles? What if I implemented a dash that carried players forward in the direction of the blade? All these began to layer on top of eachother, adding depth and a sense of uniqueness to the combat. While the project was fairly small, I also wanted to make sure this would be a polished slice of gameplay, so I spent time learning Niagara, level designing with Unreal's free assets, implementing sound effects, and refining my AI to be more complex.

Overall, I feel as though I learnt a lot from this project. Coming in to development I had no existing knowledge in C++, and in a ~6 week period during my uni semester I was able to learn a lot, and reach a point where I can say I am comfortable in the language. While I did not reach all my goals for features, I feel as though this is a project I would like to keep working on, and I'm looking forward to seeing where it takes me.

My Responsibilities

For this project I was the sole developer. My responsibilities included but weren't limited to:

  • Initial design

  • Prototyping within Unreal

  • Learning C++

  • Creating the base character

  • Implementing combat - velocity based sword damage, dashing, projectile deflection

  • Implementing two different enemies: the grunt and the ranger

    • Full behaviour tree based AI

    • AI perception systems

    • Animation blueprints

  • Sourcing assets

  • Basic level design

  • Implementing UI (health bars, main menu, death screen, wave counter)

  • Implementing a unique wave-spawning system

  • Loot table based drop system

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